canine wellness

Canine Wellness Plans

Why Does Your Dog Need Preventive Care?

Wellness care for adult dogs is essential to maintain their overall health and catch any potential issues before they escalate. Just like humans, dogs benefit from regular check-ups to monitor their health status, detect any early signs of illness, and ensure they are up to date on vaccinations and preventive treatments.

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Monthly Payment Starting At $45.00
One-time Enrollment Fee $49.00
  • Comprehensive Wellness Exam
  • Intestinal Fecal Screening
  • Vaccinations as Recommended by Your Veterinarian; May Include:
    • Distemper
    • Rabies
    • Bordetella
    • Leptospirosis
    • Lyme
  • Routine Blood Screen
  • Heartworm & Tick-Borne Diseases Test
  • UNLIMITED Nail Trims
  • 5% Off ALL Non-Care-Plan Services & Products
  • UNLIMITED Self-Serve Dog Wash

Optional Services Include:

  • Comprehensive Dental Workup Includes:
  • Pre-Dental Exam
  • Bloodwork Screen
  • Full-Mouth Radiographs or CT
  • Dental Cleaning
  • Anesthesia
  • Therapeutic Laser Treatment
  • Nail Trim
  • **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications, Extractions or Dental Treatments.** ($72.00/month)
  • Spay or Neuter Procedure: Also Includes Pre-Surgical Exam, Bloodwork Screen, Anesthesia, IV Catheter & Fluids, Monitoring, E-Collar and Nail Trim; **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications; Additional Fees Apply if Pet is In-Heat, Pregnant, Cryptorchid, or Needs Deciduous Teeth Extracted**
    (Spay Starting at: $57.00/month; Neuter: $52.00/month)
  • Neuter Procedure with Cryptorchid ($71.00/month)
  • Cancer Screening Test ($30.00/month)
  • Additional Vaccinations – As Recommended by Your Veterinarian (Pricing Varies)
  • Embark DNA Test ($23.00/month)
  • Microchip & 1-Year Registration ($6.00/month)
Yearly Plan Cost $540.00
Total Retail Value $618.00
Monthly Payment Starting At $70.00
One-time Enrollment Fee $49.00
  • Comprehensive Wellness Exam
  • Intestinal Fecal Screening
  • Vaccinations as Recommended by Your Veterinarian; May Include:
    • Distemper
    • Rabies
    • Bordetella
    • Leptospirosis
    • Lyme
  • Routine Blood Screen
  • Leptospirosis Screen
  • Heartworm & Tick-Borne Diseases Test
  • Urinalysis
  • UNLIMITED Nail Trims
  • 5% Off ALL Non-Care-Plan Services & Products
  • UNLIMITED Self-Serve Dog Wash

Optional Services Include:

  • Comprehensive Dental Workup Includes:
  • Pre-Dental Exam
  • Bloodwork Screen
  • Full-Mouth Radiographs or CT
  • Dental Cleaning
  • Anesthesia
  • Therapeutic Laser Treatment
  • Nail Trim
  • **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications, Extractions or Dental Treatments.** ($72.00/month)
  • Spay or Neuter Procedure: Also Includes Pre-Surgical Exam, Bloodwork Screen, Anesthesia, IV Catheter & Fluids, Monitoring, E-Collar and Nail Trim; **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications; Additional Fees Apply if Pet is In-Heat, Pregnant, Cryptorchid, or Needs Deciduous Teeth Extracted*
Spay Starting at $57.00/month
Neuter $52.00/month
  • Neuter Procedure with Cryptorchid ($71.00/month)
  • Cancer Screening Test ($30.00/month)
  • Additional Vaccinations – As Recommended by Your Veterinarian (Pricing Varies)
  • Embark DNA Test ($23.00/month)
  • Microchip & 1-Year Registration ($6.00/month)
Yearly Plan Cost $840.00
Total Retail Value $981.22
Monthly Payment Starting At $90.00
One-time Enrollment Fee $49.00
  • 3 Comprehensive Wellness Exam
  • Intestinal Fecal Screening
  • Vaccinations as Recommended by Your Veterinarian; May Include:
    • Distemper
    • Rabies
    • Bordetella
    • Leptospirosis
    • Lyme
  • Routine Blood Screen
  • Heartworm & Tick-Borne Diseases Test
  • Urinalysis
  • Leptospirosis Screen
  • Thyroid Screening
  • Preventive Radiograph
  • Blood Pressure Evaluation
  • UNLIMITED Nail Trims
  • 5% Off ALL Non-Care-Plan Services & Products
  • UNLIMITED Self-Serve Dog Wash

Optional Services Include:

  • Comprehensive Dental Workup Includes:
  • Pre-Dental Exam
  • Bloodwork Screen
  • Full-Mouth Radiographs or CT
  • Dental Cleaning
  • Anesthesia
  • Therapeutic Laser Treatment
  • Nail Trim
  • **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications, Extractions or Dental Treatments.** ($72.00/month)
  • Spay or Neuter Procedure: Also Includes Pre-Surgical Exam, Bloodwork Screen, Anesthesia, IV Catheter & Fluids, Monitoring, E-Collar and Nail Trim; **Does NOT Include Take-Home Medications; Additional Fees Apply if Pet is In-Heat, Pregnant, Cryptorchid, or Needs Deciduous Teeth Extracted**
  • (Spay Starting at: $57.00/month; Neuter: $52.00/month)
  • Neuter Procedure with Cryptorchid ($71.00/month)
  • Cancer Screening Test ($30.00/month)
  • Additional Vaccinations – As Recommended by Your Veterinarian (Pricing Varies)
  • Embark DNA Test ($23.00/month)
  • Microchip & 1-Year Registration ($6.00/month)
Yearly Plan Cost $1 080.00
Total Retail Value $1 327.08