Dental Care

Dentistry for dogs and cats

dental1At Country Hills Pet Hospital, we understand that your pet’s overall health and well-being extend beyond their physical appearance. Dental care is a vital component of your pet’s health, and our dedicated team of experts is committed to providing top-notch dental care services to ensure your furry family members maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Dental Examinations

Regular dental check-ups are essential to assess the condition of your pet’s oral health. Our experienced veterinarians will perform a thorough examination.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

Just like humans, pets can develop plaque and tartar on their teeth, which can lead to various dental problems. To combat this, we offer professional teeth cleaning.

Dental Radiography

dental2For a comprehensive assessment of your pet’s dental health, we have state-of-the-art dental radiography equipment. 

Extractions and Oral Surgery

In cases where dental issues have progressed to the point where extractions or oral surgery are necessary, you can trust our experienced veterinary team.

Dental Home Care Guidance

Maintaining your pet’s oral health doesn’t stop at the clinic. We offer guidance and recommendations for at-home dental care to help you keep.

Why Country Hills Pet Hospital for Dental Care?

When considering where to entrust your pet’s dental care, there are several compelling reasons to choose Country Hills Pet Hospital. Our experienced team of veterinarians and dedicated support staff are committed to the well-being of your beloved pets. We prioritize their safety, comfort, and long-term dental health. With state-of-the-art equipment and technology, we ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. At Country Hills Pet Hospital, we take a preventative approach, emphasizing early intervention and education to avoid more severe dental issues down the road. Your pet’s dental health is a top priority for us, and we are here to provide compassionate and expert care that they deserve.

Smile Bright 

Your pet's oral health is a crucial aspect of their overall wellness. At Country Hills Pet Hospital, we're here to partner with you in ensuring that your pet enjoys a lifetime of good dental health. Contact us today to schedule a dental care appointment and give your furry friend the gift of a healthy smile.